I’m Emily.

I’m a graphic designer. I’m also someone who makes things, gardens, swims, hikes, and dreams about finding some lost treasure. First, let me tell you about me as a graphic designer.

I am a Brisbane-based graphic designer, with an interest in taking on art gallery and museum-based design projects. I am now a sole trader, but I spent most of my ‘employed’ working life at the fabulous Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) in Brisbane, Australia. I contributed to some incredible projects there, and I loved that there was always a curious new project coming along that would challenge me to come up with an interesting design solution. I developed a particular interest in publication design, and during my employment there I designed ten+ exhibition catalogues. Overseeing book projects from briefing right through to delivery was particularly rewarding for me, as I specialise in print design and really love holding something I’ve designed in my hands. I also really enjoyed working on the varied signage components required for each show, be it exhibition entryways, large-scale wallpapers, or information and directional signage. With degrees in both Graphic Design (Griffith University) and Visual Arts (Queensland University of Technology), working at QAGOMA for many years was a realised dream.

A little more about me… I live in Brisbane, but I also spend time with my husband Carl and our cat Ollie at our property at Ravensbourne, about halfway between Toowoomba and Esk. It’s an old hobby flower farm that grows wonderful pineapple lilies, hippeastrums and jonquils. The property came with a couple of resident peacocks, so we have become accidental peacock farmers too.

Another big thing in my life is my ‘making’ practice. I’ve had an online store since 2007, selling an evolving range of handmade items, and I’ve often worked on my business full time. Recently I’ve been making a lot of cast plaster gumnuts and blossoms, and I hope to continue to develop new products to offer to my customers.

Thanks so much for your interest! Do get in touch if you think I might be able to help with your upcoming design project. I’m happy to prepare a quote to work as a freelancer, and I would also consider short-term on-site work. Let’s talk!

Email: emily_engel@yahoo.com.au

Phone: 0416 080725